Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Triolo and Malega get Palm Beach Post endorsements


  1. WOW Congratulations to Sarah

  2. Triolo wants to take credit for the sun rising and setting.

  3. Wow is right. Scotty might get beat

  4. I would say that the reasons given by the Post for endorsing Triolo and Malega are pretty lame and the reason for not endorsing Maxwell and giving Drew Martin zero credit for anything is equally as lame.

    You can't give credit to Pam Triolo for what the Post considers good things happening in our city (even giving her credit for the roads and infrastructure being fixed--the voters did that) and not give the same credit to Scott Maxwell.

    I personally would have quizzed them hard on the slum, blight and crime in our city and why we are ranked right up there as one of the worse cities around. Even the 2 forums I attended avoided questioning on this serious topic.

  5. I agree with you Lynn, the crime, blight, and slums, plus the fact that these elected gave themselves 90% raises on the peoples money. That is what drove me out of the city.

  6. After reading those endorsements in the PB Post I realized that whoever wrote their endorsement might also be working in their finance dept. It said Pam has been mayor since 2009 yet it later in their endorsement swim she’s been mayor for 6 1/2 years. Real fuzzy math. Here’s a newspaper with a business model that is failing. the paper is for sale. They seem to like creating sensational headlines about LW to try and drive traffic to their website. Why else would they think we should change anything now, now that LW is finally working well. The vice mayor has been working long and hard too. To get the same success they mentioned in the mayors achievements. There’s shared vision now at city hall, rowing this boat in the same direction, making this town better for everybody! Why would you want to possibly change that?

  7. Good questions greg! Why did you wait so long to get your dumpy building fixed up or bulldozed and leave our city so blighted for like 20 years? Do you really care about the crime and blight?

  8. How many empty storefronts are there on Lake and Lucerne Avenues?

    How angry and impolite has he been from the dais?

    How often has he tried to sabotage the beach development?

    How many phone calls has he answered during his tenure?

    It's time for a change and for some positive and polite talk in the Commission room.

    The Post is often wrong, but got it right this time.

  9. I forgot about Scott Maxwell's idea of destroying John Prince Park with a ball field and 1000's of parking spaces.

    Lake Worth Road does not have enough traffic, right?

  10. lynn why don't you figure out doing a question and answer with the candidates on the blog and get those questions asked

  11. It's the economy stupid,not Pam Triolo! Triolo voted herself in a fat raise,spit on an election by the people.She supported the destruction of John Prince Park and supports the destruction of our pool.She can't even make it thru one hour of a meeting without running out for a "nicotine " break.How did Triolo go from not being able to pay her electric bill to being able to put in a pool at her home? The consent agenda has gone crazy under these lazy SOB's on the Commission.Triolo is nothing but smoke and mirrors.We deserve better.
    Vote for Drew and Sarah.

  12. thank you 8-56 DREW AND SARA FOR CHANGE.tired of the low things this diaz has pushed on the people.try to get all your friends out to VOTE

  13. Drew cares and he would do the right thing for LW and the environment. He really is the better choice. He would be responsive and not accept the mediocrity that exists today in city hall.
