Friday, March 2, 2018

The Trojan Sound is back and needs your help

Dr. Elvis Epps and Tiffany Cox

Lake Worth High's band is going through a too long awaited revival.  We have had essentially no band for the last 3-4 years.  Now we have a new band director that is really getting the ball rolling.  Her name is Tiffany Cox, a resident of Broward County.  Dr. Epps, our new principal, hired her last summer and she went to work immediately working on her own time cleaning the band room, inventorying equipment and getting ready for the school year.

Ms. Cox is building the band back up practically from scratch and already has  a small group she is readying for competition in Atlanta next month.  She also plans to take them to Six Flags over Georgia.  Most of these kids are ESOL or former ESOL students, are financially needy and have never traveled  farther than Orlando, if that.  This will be a tremendous tool for band recruitment next year and will send a message that The Might Trojan Sound is back.

In addition to the trip Ms Cox also needs to replace/repair many instruments and start a fund to purchase new uniforms.  Please consider making a donation to make it happen.  Make the check to Lake Worth High School with the notation "Band Trip" and mail it to the school at 1701 Lake Worth Road, Lake Worth, FL.

Please forward this to friends in other classes.  And thanks for inviting me to your recent reunion and for the clock.  I have it on my desk and think of you every time I check the time.

Your "old" principal,
Dave Cantley

1 comment:

  1. We need to put band back in the elementary and middle schools so there will be a pool of kids to choose from.Kids in music do better academically. When I was asked to join the Lake Worth High band ,I had already been playing the Clarinet for four years.
