Thursday, March 15, 2018

Students and staff beat a Trump piñata during Spanish class at Laguna Hills High School.

This is the sort of crap they are teaching kids today. This happens to be in California--the worst state in the country for obnoxious and even illegal actions and behavior.


  1. Remember the days when you were also outraged - OUTRAGED! - that Obama effigies were being hung and displayed in people's front yards and in parades?

    Oh, that's right.

    You weren't.

  2. NEVER saw that. And what's more--no teachers were ever teaching kids to be disrespectful of Obama.


    Oh, and this one...

    Central Falls, Rhode Island (CNN) -- The teacher at an embattled Rhode Island school who displayed an effigy of President Obama in his classroom is under disciplinary review, according to the school superintendent.

    Powered Wig and the fake news sites you read and the ones your friends email you the links to don't cover this kind of stuff because, like you, they're conservatives who only want to read and hear stuff that they agree with or supports their partisan political beliefs.

    I visit your blog and a 1/2 dozen other conspiracy/far right sites in order to find out what extremists are passing around. It's amazing the crap that floats around out there and the narrow minds that extreme partisans like yourself grow into as they sink deeper and deeper into the wingnut media.

    You're missing out on the real world where people are actually considering both sides of an issue and digesting all different sources of info in order to come to a conclusion ON THEIR OWN as to what is truth and what is fiction.

    Having said that, I'm not saying that the stuff in your post didn't happen. I really haven't researched it. But I can say that there are wackos on both sides of the aisle. The fact that you NEVER heard of the weird Obama stories (any of them) should tell you something.

    You won't post this because it's way too embarrassing for you because it's the truth and you know it. But I'll know you read it.

  4. Actually, anonymous, I really don’t remember this stuff. Having said that I will read the links tomorrow. It doesn’t embarrass me at all. Why should it? I was never interested in Obama but I am interested in our current president. I’m on my IPhone right now.

  5. These "teachers" should be dropped off in deep Mexico to see what happens to their politics there.
