Thursday, March 22, 2018

Stop talking, Hillary

Hillary Clinton just returned from a disastrous foreign trip to India where she trashed white women, married women and Middle America. Then she fell down some stairs and broke her hand in a bathtub.[gateway Pundit]


  1. She lost! Why are you so obsessed with crooked Hillary my gosh let it go!

  2. Gracious people leave when they lose after congratulating the winner.

    She lacks grace and class.

    We'd love to let her go but she won't leave.

  3. Actually, it is Hillary who is obsessed; she can't believe she wound up where she is now. If anything, she is also possessed. I wonder what meds she is on that cause her to behave in the unseemly manner she has lately adopted. Maybe she needs an exorcist!

  4. keep talking Hillary its good for the opposition then lock her up

  5. Hannity is a tv personality, not a journalist, he’s fake News. When dummy Obama tried to reach out to rocket man hannity was all over him whining and having a fit, now Trump does the same thing and hannity can’t stop kissing trumps ring. Can you say Hypocrite, sure you can but you won’t keep spinning suckers.

  6. Anyone on TV is a tv personality I would suppose. Beside being number 1 on Fox News, he is is an American talk show host, author, and conservative political commentator. He is the host of The Sean Hannity Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show on over 500 national channels.
    Obama imposed sanctions on North Korea. He couldn't get to first base with NK. Don't remember Hannity having a fit. More liberal hyperbole.

  7. our president has earned the respect he is getting.the last guy didn't earn anything!!!!!!!!

  8. It's not just Lynn that is obsessed with Hillary. The whole Republican Party is consumed with that witch. Why can't we focus on building the wall, solidifying our friendship with Russia and getting bigger tax cuts. Isn't that enough to keep us busy for a while?

    Why Hillary is the center of so many Republican lives, I'll never understand.

  9. Here's Lynn about normalizing relations in February 2009 when Obama was POTUS:

    "During this past election, I came to realize that I was not such a die-hard Democrat as I thought. I agreed with John McCain on several things. There are a lot of Republican strategies and philosophies to which I agree.

    My favorite politician throughout the years and in this past primary is Hillary Clinton, now Secretary of State. She was in Japan a few days ago. During a speech she said that she wanted to normalize ties with North Korea and “help rebuild its economy if it dropped its nuclear weapons program.”

    Now Hill baby, how are you going to do that? Agree to blackmail with terrorists? “Normalize” relations? What about OUR bankrupt country? Should that not be the priority? You are smart enough to know that you can NOT negotiate with terrorists or with a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship, a country with one of the worst human rights records in the world. There is nothing normal about this country. You only can negotiate with moral, NORMAL people with a conscience. Past diplomatic efforts have been futile.

    US specialists must gauge just how much plutonium North Korea has produced - the key to assuring de-nuclearization. If we have to negotiate, then it must be from strength and all the facts. North Korea is a powerful player and keeping the lines of communication open is one thing, but sitting down at the same dinner table is another. They don’t have to adhere to Sunshine Law.

    North Korea is one of the “axis of evil.” To even sit down at the same table with these people is giving them a legitimacy they don’t deserve and one that the world can not afford. The world pays attention to strength, not weakness. North Korea only understands one phrase—survival of the fittest. We should learn from the enemy."

    Lynn is your typical Republican hypocrite.

  10. Oh God, Lynn. Please.

    You're embarrassing yourself and all of us who know you.

  11. LOL--that is true, anonymous. I was a big Hillary supporter at one time--that all changed when I realized she was a self-serving crook. It was back when I was still a registered Democrat and when I believed that Democrats believed in principles and country. They don't anymore. I thought she was a rung on the ladder well above Obama. We all have to wise up sometime in took me a while to do that. So I like to think of it as getting smarter, not being hypocritical.

    And now that I have seen the light, I will carry on and support Donald Trump. The Democrat party has changed so radically--it is not recognizable now compared to when I was one. Sad that they are screwing up our country.

  12. Democrats have not changed, Lynn. You've changed. And now you're a perfect fit for today's Republican Party. It truly is where you belong.

  13. I don't know how any female can defend Hillary she is a traitor to her gender a throwback to "stand by your man" mentality.

  14. I don't know what you mean anony at 4:24. Lynn still believes today peace through strength. Nothing has changed and I've known her for a long time. I lot of us democrats wanted Hillary instead of Obama but I have to say, Clinton has changed a lot in this time.

  15. Article today saying the Clintons have a "one way" Open Marriage a phrasing that cancels itself out. They also said it was not by mutual choice: another cancellation. How about they don't have a marriage at all ? Poor Chelsea.

  16. I don't feel sorry for Chelsea. she has parents who love her and all the money she needs to have a wonderful life. SCREW HER.

  17. "I don't know how any female can defend Hillary she is a traitor to her gender a throwback to "stand by your man" mentality."

    Melania couldn't be reached for comment.

    You Trumpsters are sumthin else.
