Saturday, March 10, 2018

Shanon Materio gets PBPost endorsement

Read about it...

If you recall, in January, Materio, acting as a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), an organization for which the mayor of Lake Worth is a member, voted yes in support of the road extension in direct opposition to a West Palm Beach resolution opposing the road.

"The item in question was the extension of State Road 7 between the Ibis Golf and Country Club and Grassy Waters Preserve. That’s a 4.2-mile project that the commission, including Materio, has spent years and millions of dollars opposing, on the grounds that road runoff would pollute the wetlands, West Palm’s main water supply." [PBPost]

Following her vote in support of State Road 7, Materio was removed from the MPO by West Palm Beach on a 3/1 vote for opposing their wishes. This had to do with threatening the water quality for West Palm Beach, Palm Beach and South Palm Beach residents.


  1. The PB Post has no credibility, it has little competition so quality and diverse views mean nothing.
