Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Secondhand marijuana smoke

I hate the smell of any kind of smoke being a reformed cigarette smoker for 34 years smoking a pack of Pall Mall daily. And when I see someone actually smoking a cigarette, I look in amazement that they are consciously killing themselves. Now we have a researcher from California, yes that crazy state, who says marijuana smoke is more injurious than cigarette smoke.

Secondhand marijuana smoke may be worse than secondhand tobacco smoke, research shows

Matthew Springer, a biologist and professor in the cardiology division at the University of California, San Francisco, tested the effects of secondhand marijuana smoke and found it takes three times longer for lab rats’ arteries to recover from pot smoke than from tobacco smoke.

Read more about it...


  1. I like second hand marijuana smoke...

  2. That's why I like edible marijuana such as cookies and brownies. No smoke and more potent.

  3. More potent and more ER visits, the dope disinhibits judgement and the pothead eats too much. Our ERs get clogged with self inflicted ODs and can't help the legitimate patients.

  4. It is crazy in LW how people just smoke pot openly all over the place. There used to be this older guy, 65ish always walking by with a backpack by my house smoking a joint, almost daily on 5th Ave N. One time we saw these two older guys also 65ish smoking a joint opening by their car right hanging right outside while people walk by like it is no big deal right in the beach decal parking. It is so sad there are so many druggies in our society, it is sad that so many need to use drugs and get high to escape the world we live in. Is it really that bad? Are drugs the answer? I am so over druggies, alcoholics, smokers, irresponsible dog owners, and irresponsible people as a whole. Like President Trump says, LOSERS!

  5. Good one 7:05, decent trolling effort but you have a lot to work on, keep it up you have potential.

  6. Sounds like you do not have any potential 10:14PM!

    Anonymous said...
    Good one 7:05, decent trolling effort but you have a lot to work on, keep it up you have potential.
    March 28, 2018 at 10:14 PM
