Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Quote of the Day - On abolishing ICE

“Any serious defender of undocumented people in this country would look at ICE and know that it is a cancer that needs to be excised from the U.S. Pretending that the most diseased levers of state power can be molded into something better is a useless fantasy. ICE must be abolished. Anything less is not good enough” 

~ Jack Mirkinson
 liberal writer for various left-wing sites and Senior Media Editor for The Huffington Post. When I first came across this quote I thought for sure the guy lived in California.  Nope, it's New York, another Fd-up state.

1 comment:

  1. Any serious defender of undocumented immigrants is encouraging aliens to break our law as they have broken into our country.

    How many are American taxpaying citizens supporting with welfare, food stamps, free education and medical care?

    The writer is a myopic ideologue and anti American.
