Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Putin won by a super landslide


  1. Woo hoo! Putin is America's best friend and is helping Make America Great Again. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we welcome his help in any way that he can give it....

    ...any way.

  2. Long, tall Sally--Can you ever grow up?

  3. The crazier we are over here, the more popular Putin gets. We probably contributed to his huge landslide victory. He's my idea of a strong leader. If it wasn't so cold there, I'd go live there. Then again, they have really nice fur hats and coats. And really good Vodka!

    Go Putin!

  4. @6:38--are you serious? that's pretty crazy. We live in the greatest country on Earth and it's just getting better.

  5. Lynn, you must be nuts! This country started to decline in the 60's and has been on a downward trajectory every since. Open your eyes!

  6. Trump will make America great again!! Nuts I am not.

  7. I have yet to meet a nut who admits that is what they are! I sit in the meetings and hear the crazy comments you make at the podium. It is great comic relief, that is for sure!

  8. @7:26--I guess that's why you won't admit you are one sick puppy. I have told you that before, MP.

  9. I like how Lynn likes to throw initials around and pretend like she knows who everyone is.

    Woman, the town of Lake Worth laughs behind your back wherever you appear. You have no idea...

  10. I don't think putin will let democrats in.

  11. @4:57--LOL. I must be getting to you and that's all that matters.

  12. Putin won w/o Americans trying to hack into Russian voting machines. While we are busy with trivial pursuit over here, the bridges are collapsing and the children are either overdosing, or shooting their classmates.
