Friday, March 23, 2018

President Trump arrives tonight in Palm Beach

It is expected that the president will arrive at Palm Beach International Airport at about 6:45 p.m. tonight and leave on Sunday by 5 p.m. Upon his departure from Mar-A-Lago, he will see the above sign.


  1. Lynn, you love Pres. Trump so much, I hope you get to meet him someday. He is blessed to have your support and love.

  2. Thank you, anonymous. I know several gals who sign wave every time he arrives to town. One of them got invited to Mar-A-Lago to meet him. What an honor!

  3. Nice, maybe you should do that too. If he could only see you blog and see what support you have for him. I think it is wonderful in this day and age. I think it is special and hope you have that honor to meet him someday, you deserve it. God bless you dear!
