Friday, March 16, 2018

Pennsylvania's District 18 voting machines to be impounded

Republicans headed to court on Thursday to ask that all the voting machines used in Tuesday’s election in District 18 due to some reported irregularities. It is expected that there will be a recount because of the closeness of the election.

Impounding the machines shows that Republicans are beginning to learn not to trust Democrats, who always seem to gain the votes they need to win in a recount. This time they don’t want to take any chances. The Democrat currently leads in the voting by a few hundred votes out of over 200,000 ballots cast.

Read about it...


  1. Stan's Little Bit 'o TriviaMarch 16, 2018 at 8:48 AM

    I heard the PA State Police arrested a bunch of people in possession of hundreds of ballots and that millions of illegals voted...all for Lamb!

    Pass it on!

  2. Is it possible that you could ever cut the crap anonymous at 8:48?

  3. Blue wave? It's gonna be a blue RIPPLE !!! LOL. Go Trump!

  4. All bark,no bite, huh Stan? Well, one thing that we do know is--I post under my own name. I take all the risk and all the "bites." You, on the other hand, post anonymously. What does that tell me?
