Thursday, March 8, 2018

Our Lake Worth Pier was damaged

The Lake Worth Pier took a beating from the days of strong surf. According to the city, about 20-25 of the panels were completely blown out or damaged.

The lighting system was also impacted. Early damage estimates are between $30,000 to $50,000

Read about it...


  1. Oh boy...another taxpayer-funded repair coming. I don't use the pier, why should I pay for it? Time and time again, we're being asked to pay for things for others. I'm getting tired of it. If I'm healthy, why should I pay for someone else's health insurance? If I drive responsibly, why should I pay for the idiot who gets a million tickets and runs into someone? If I don't use the library or pier, why should I pay for it?

    This country is moving more and more toward socialism because of liberals and their idea that we're all in this together. Anyone who says differently has no idea what they're talking about.

  2. Unbelievable comment, anonymous at are full of it. Stop coming over here and putting people on.
    It's not all about YOU.
    Can't believe I keep getting fake comments now.

  3. I guess we shouldn't repair the pool either because YOU don't use it 10:08

  4. 10:08 Please move away from here. Now.
    Lake Worth Pier is one of the things that both our residents and visiting tourists love. It is a part of our identity.

  5. don't the fees to the peir go for repairs

  6. The only thing at the Pier that is controlled by the city is the transformer room. The City is responsible for any damage caused by acts beyond its control and we are responsible to repair this damage caused by severe weather and high surf. If we don't, Benny's has the right to terminate the lease within 90 days.

    Benny's pays $20,000 a month to lease the Pier and they have sole management of the pier, but no leasehold interest in it. Benny's opens and closes the Pier. If the Pier is closed for over 10 days, the city has to pay them $300 a day until such time it is reopened after that 10th day.

  7. love how contracts are drawn up in this town.every city building in this town we get screwed on
