Sunday, March 25, 2018

Our Economic Surrender is over!

China has had a $500 billion trade deficit every year since 1993 with the United States. The western elites put China in power and gave them the one-sided trade deals to make communism work for the elite to leverage out the planet. China declared trade war on the United States but we're not going to be gang raped anymore, says Alex Jones.

Our economic surrender is over!


  1. The image that accompanies this post is priceless. Only today's Republican would listen to a guy like Jones.

    The dumbing down of 50% of America is well under way.

  2. Yeah, it's a damn shame that you Democrats are bringing down this country. You should try listening to Alex Jones sometime--you actually might learn something.

  3. Ok anony at 2:42. What did he say that was untrue? Is it okay with you that we have such a yuge trade deficit? that's okay?

  4. I'm not going to waste 1 second listening to any fool who is a Sandy Hook truther. The fact that anyone would, makes my point. The fact that you all hold a Sandy Hook truther in high esteem and "love" him, tells me all I need to know about every single one of you, too.

  5. So happy you're not going to educate yourself here. This blog is about trade deficits, not some whacky theory of his on Sandy Hook. Alex Jones can be off the wall at times but he also can be spot on. You have to discern what makes sense and what doesn't.

  6. I'm not going to waste ONE SECOND listening to any FOOL that told us up until 9:00 on election night that Hillary Clinton was going to win the presidency by a landslide!

  7. BTW,Jones does have some very good inside contacts.

  8. Hou could make the exact same statement about Hitler.

  9. "This blog is about trade deficits, not some whacky theory of his on Sandy Hook."

    So here's Lynn.

    "So, yeah, he's nutty at times and believes that Sandy Hook didn't happen but, hey, I like what I'm hearing about what this nutty, off the wall guy is saying about China's trade deficits so, hell yeah, I'm going to believe him and pump him up on my blog."

    Who thinks that crazy, nutty people are worth listening to, especially when it comes to trade deficits?

    Well, Republicans like Lynn who will attach herself to any conspiracy theory and thing that sounds good to her from whatever website is out there.

    That's how pigs like Donald Trump get elected. That's how Russia sinks her teeth into our democracy. They rely on thinking like the above. They're masters at exploiting rubes. And there are so many qualified Americans out there just looking for ways to be taken.

  10. So Anon at 8:34, you FINALLY have to admit that Trump got elected.
    Good for you.This is the first step in admitting your sickness. Because ,as the great Dr Savage says "Liberalism is a mental disease".
    I agree with most of what Alex Jones says. And he does have great insider sources.Listen to Michael Savage for two weeks. You will be surprised. He doesn't fit into either the Go Republican or Go Democrat boxes.
    And why on earth do want to allow China to continue to fuc$ America over?

  11. Is it possible that you are that dumb,8:34? Russia sinks her teeth into our democracy? Just how do they go about that? Is this something like Roswell? Have there been any Russian abductions? Are you seeing things in the night sky that you are uncomfortable with? You better take cover this summer, while those World Cup games are going on in Sochi and Moscow. Be careful: "they're coming to take you away"

  12. This blog is about the humongous trade deficit with CHINA. @8:34 is just a Trump hater.
