Monday, March 19, 2018

Lake Worth Lacks Transparency

This has to be one of the least transparent commissions in the history of Lake Worth. The only commissioner who even reads the back-up seems to be Omari Hardy.  The rest rely on staff and the city manager to direct them, steer their thinking and their vote. But you all voted them back into power.

Tuesday night's agenda is a joke and I'm not kidding. There are 12 items on the consent Agenda--NOTHING under Public Hearings; NOTHING under Unfinished Business and NOTHING under New Business.

This commission will approve a developer's agreement between Meritgage Homes of Florida, Inc. regarding the development of 59 single family homes after the city rezoned the area in their favor.  Don't you think this is a project worthy of discussion?  Rezoning? For a developer? This commission loves to re-zone for developers.

From the back-up--
Meritage Homes will be constructing the subdivision called “Lake Cove” which will consist of 59 single family homes on the vacant parcels generally located at 19th Avenue North (adjacent to north bound I-95). Meritage Homes and the City must enter into a Developer’s Agreement for the purpose of documenting certain off-site improvements and development responsibilities for the project.

On August 1, 2017, the Lake Worth City Commission approved Ordinance No. 2017-16 rezoning the property from Single Family Residential (SRF) to a Residential Planned Development District (RPDD). Among other things, the RPDD Ordinance provides that the Developer and the City will enter into a Developer’s Agreement for the purposes of documenting with specificity certain off-site development responsibilities of each of the parties and reimbursement for certain improvements. The off-site improvements identified in the Developer’s Agreement include traffic calming measures, water services and a gravity sewer main extension, and an electrical distribution extension.

The development of the project will cause traffic impacts to Vernon Street within the adjacent Vernon Heights subdivision. In order to mitigate the traffic impacts, the Developer agrees to pay the City $18,000 as Developer’s contribution of the cost for the City to construct three (3) traffic calming speed barriers. In addition, the Developer shall extend the subdivision’s sanitary sewer collection system to service the properties along the north side of 19th Ave N. These six properties currently use septic drain fields; gravity sanitary service laterals will be installed at each property corner. The Developer shall also be responsible to construct a watermain from North A Street within 19th Ave N. to service the subdivision. During the installation, the Developer will construct water service for the 19th Ave N. properties. The City shall reimburse the Developer the cost for design, engineering, permitting and construction of the gravity sewer system with trench restoration and water
services in the 19th Ave N.

The City’s cost of the water and sewer work is estimated at $57,552.68. The electrical distribution system has been extended to service the property and the Developer shall reimburse the City for electrical utility and deposit fees to the utility CIAC account.


  1. They don't want the public to know what they're doing. Way too many things on consent agenda.

  2. 19th ave N is a terrible location, I worked over there and the apartments turned condo failed massively with thousands of police calls, overpriced units abandoned or taken over by slumlords. Nothing good can come of this. The commission must be lining their pockets again.

  3. Lynn, You should run next time around.

  4. At least these are single family homes. Please dear GOD no more condo' slums in this city.

  5. It is all the renter slums both house rentals and apartment rentals, this is the big problem in LW, what a dump!

  6. Ryan Maier was right
    There Are NO RULES when
    the 'vote to change' is just this simple!

  7. LW is rife with condo associations taken over by slumlords who don't keep up their properties and choose yenants who's rent is paid by taxpayers since so many of them play the 3 month eviction game. These are the places built by Finns with good intentions gone so terribly wrong through neglect and greed.

  8. Even beautiful areas like Lakeside Drive are full of either foreclosures, or creepy landlords.

  9. Lakeside Drive is a sad example of a nice area going down.
