Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Lake Worth Beach today


  1. our fabulous beach. Now all we need is for the city to repair and open the pool.

  2. Keep writing those tickets.

  3. They spent all that money on the new building yet left pool area looking like a crap hole, great planning. Where’s John G’s? Mulligans is horrible. Thank you former commission and manager great job!

  4. The pool "area" looks just fine. It is the locker room that should have been replaced and updated. I don't recall why they decided not to do that at that time but we had to borrow the money from ourselves ($6 million) to rebuild the casino. My guess is that it was 100% lack of funding. The motion was put into effect in 2006 and the city changed the zoning from PROS to BAC. This is on the backs of the commission back then and city manager Paul Boyer.
    The pool was repaired by Greater Bay. The city spent $200,000 and a matching amount was given to us from the State of Florida. The pool must be left opened to the public or the city must reimburse the State of Florida this money.
    the city keeps stalling. It has stalled this until after this election and now we will find out their intent-=i think we all know what they want to do.

  5. 9:19, blame John G's on this commission of Pam, Scott and Andy.

    The city MUST keep this pool opened. that was the agreement when accepting this state money.
    Ok, Mr. Bornstein, I guess you don't like that reminder.

  7. Circle of Light. Who showed up for that? if you did you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Goodbye pool, hardly knew ya.

  8. Elections have consequences and on top of that, we have you! We are lucky indeed.
    The city, instead of spending $505k will now yank out the pool and spend millions. Totally irresponsible.
