Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hudson Holdings and the Gulfstream Hotel

These are the people that the City of Lake Worth went to bat for (changing the zoning and even discarding a referendum on heights and stomping on the voters in this city). They literally were in bed with Hudson Holdings...the culprits?-Mayor Pam Triolo and commissioners Scott Maxwell and Andy Amoroso, the trio that was just voted back in for three years.. Throw in the city manager too!

"CDS Gulfstream, the company that owns 51 percent of the $65 million Gulfstream Hotel renovation project, on Tuesday sued partner HH Gulfstream, claiming company owners for years engaged in racketeering activities to lure investors into the multimillion-dollar project.

'The defendants have engaged in a pattern of fraud to induce our clients to invest in projects in Lake Worth like The Gulfstream Hotel,' said Stuart Kaplan, a managing partner at Kaplan & Parker, the Palm Beach Gardens law firm that applied the suit. We believe this is not an isolated event, and it’s a pattern of behavior that has been ongoing for some time.'”

Read about it...


  1. "The defendants have engaged in a pattern of fraud to induce our clients to invest in projects in Lake Worth like The Gulfstream Hotel,”
    This lines up with what many knew was going on with this con man. They kept quiet because they didn't want code stuck up their businesses butts. It is also common knowledge that the con man was telling potential partners that he had the golf course and the beach front lined up and ready for big high rise,high priced condos.
    Well now we know what Mayor Pam Triolo, Commissioner Scott Maxwell and Commissioner Andy Amoroso meant when they said "Lake Worth is moving forward".

  2. It is sad no one is taking responsibility and doing something with this property. All a bunch of LOSERS! Too bad we cannot get the TRUMP organization to come in and do something with it. Did you see what he did with the old post office in DC? Trump is getting things done, don't expect much from all these owners and city elected/manager. Pretty much do nothing people, talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words. They continue to prove their stupidity. I want my money back, paying all these LOSERS an arm and a leg for what? They do nothing! Too bad for this great building and its history.

  3. it looks like the trio read up on michaels and figured out what he was up to and got on his train.none of this con by hh is new .people of this town just put on their golden blinders.they say the internet is good to learn from.try it cuz it works

  4. How come we all knew about this group but city hall looked the other way?

  5. This should get interesting. I wish they would sell the property and get the heck out of our hair. Rumor has it that a high-rise hotel is being planned for the downtown.

  6. Maybe because the former owner was doing nothing with the building and most Lake Worth people wanted to see SOMETHING done with it.

  7. is it true Maxwell has HH renderings of buildings on his office walls

  8. I can't see that building ever being safe enough for use as a hotel. I think they should just renovate the first two or three floors for offices, and leave the top floors unoccupied. The thought of being trapped in there with those little windows...the firemen could never get to you.

  9. All those LITTLE windows?? Just how fat are you??

  10. There isn't even a window ledge. I think you would suffocate pretty fast up there.

    The contractors would cut corners like they did at FIU last week. This is not your fathers work ethic. The whole building might collapse, based on today's standards of construction.

  11. This hotel will NEVER be renovated as it stands right now. They will figure out a way to demolish it. It is unaffordable to renovate this structure and you would have to be out of your mind to even try. In the meantime, there is a lawsuit that will drag out. We may never see anything there. They could give the property to the city and write it off as a charitable contribution. :):):)

  12. You are absolutely 100% correct!
