Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hogg Hitler


  1. This kid is such a tool.What ever else he does with his life,he will always have this stain on it. Sad.

  2. If the world were a just and fair place, those who taunt and smear teenagers who watched their friends die in a school shooting a few weeks ago would be taunted and treated just as badly in public places.

    You're an adult, Lynn.

    Start acting like one.

  3. This kid, who is really mixed up, was not even in that building when this tragedy occurred. He did not see anyone die. But that's not really the point here. He is willingly being used by people such as you--liberals who want to end the 2nd Amendment and spit on the Constitution. And all of you have something in common--bringing down our president, vulgarity and fabrications. Disgusting. Have you heard his mouth?

  4. Hey Lynn, try giving up being an asshat for Holy Week.

    Betcha can't do it!

  5. Holy week is all the more reason to out the hypocrisy.
