Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Easter Services at Common Ground Church

The Bamboo Room, 25 S. J Street, Lake Worth
Come on down and hear the greatest pastor going!


  1. Thanks, is this service anything like the services Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, has at his church?

    I really do not like that they use peep's and bunnies to advertise Easter in the ad your showed here.

    Easter is defined as follows:
    noun: Easter; plural noun: Easters
    the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.
    the period in which Easter occurs, especially the weekend from Good Friday to Easter Monday.

    We are supposed to be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Not bunnies and peeps. They should take it more seriously and use the resurrection cross image instead to be respectful toward God/Jesus.

    What is this church like? Do they offer communion? How long is a service and what is the process/outline of a service at this church? Anything like a Catholic or Episcopal Church service?

  2. This is unlike any church you have ever been to. It's definitely unlike any church I have ever attended. It reminds me more of the southern Baptist churches but the pastor doesn't preach AT you. It is not your traditional church but they do have communion from time to time. What makes this church special is the pastor, Mike Olive. He has the best sermons and stories. Just having church services at the Bamboo Room makes it different right there! :)

  3. When they made you Lynn, they threw away the mold!

  4. Anybody can be a pastor these days, you get ordained on-line. I think Pastor Olive is like Elmer Gantry, but not as good looking.

  5. @9:38--with your snarky and unkind comment, you probably should attend a service or two there. Get some kindness and humility.
    But Mike Olive would probably chuckle at your comment, I don't find it funny.
    By the way, I don't want any personal remarks about people referencing weight, age, etc. in order to put them down.
