Friday, March 30, 2018

Eagles, E10 and E11, take first Bath

Iv'e been watching the SWFL Eagles ever since Harriet started nesting.  E10 and E11 took their first bath two days it below.

In a bold and confident move, E10 goes to the pond this morning and takes his first bath!! At thirteen weeks old - both E's seem to be on schedule to doing everything together! E11 joins E10 at the pond and watches as E10 wades in and does a butt bath first testing out the waters. Afterwards they both return to the snag and at 7:21 mark, E10 flies back down to the pond and gets in and splashes around - enjoying his very first bath!! E11 comes back down to watch the fun! When E10 is finished, E11 will chase him up the side of the bank at 14:27, says Lady Hawk.


  1. Don't think it mesmerizing particularly, but some of us like to watch these eagles and our wildlife in general. It was just another moment of "firsts" in the lives of these fabulous birds.
