Friday, March 9, 2018

CNN says Trump could go down as "great president"

“If President Trump can truly solve this problem,” she said, “that would be going down as a great president, and there’s no way around around that, that is the reality here," said Erin Burnett.


  1. Trump said it himself last November--"It makes sense for North Korea to come to the table and make a deal that is good for the people of North Korea and for the world," Trump said during a news conference alongside South Korean President Moon Jae-in. "I do see certain movement." tell you the truth, I'm sick of all you people who are clueless about Trump.

  2. China said they would not defend NK if they sent out a missile and we defended ourselves. But if we were to preemptively strike, China would be a problem. A very big problem.

  3. I have to say that it is kind of amazing that Trump has all of a sudden decided that talking to a madman is a good idea. And his followers who were just a month or so ago urging him to nuke the place are nodding in agreement.

    You have to wonder if Trump told his followers to swim to the Bahamas because it's really not that far, if they would do it.

  4. Hey Jas--you actually have something between your ears that you can "wonder" about something?? Congratulations. You liberals are the only ones walking off a short pier.

  5. Hey Jasmine, take a hike! America finally has a President. You must not be from Florida because everyone knows the difference between Bermuda and the Bahamas.

    Hey Lynn, Scott Baio is on Fox tonight. Yum yum...know what I mean!! :)

  6. Liberal-a person who's mind is so open that their brains have fallen out.
