Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Candidate Sarah Malega sighting

Popped into Clary's Corner this morning to have breakfast and who was there?  Sarah Malega running for Commissioner District 1 in Lake Worth and several of her campaign workers.

After getting the Palm Beach Post endorsement, Sarah said, "I'm so overwhelmed with joy and beyond motivated to win this."


  1. have supported this girl for a year.what I like is we differ on some things but at least she willtalk it over with you GO GIRL

  2. Wish andy had a contender too so to get his butt out of that seat. LW people deserve better then that clown who is so rude and such a know-it-all who does not listen and is greedy robbing a huge salary from the good citizens of the city, yet he does nothing about all the crime, blight, and codes here.

  3. Sarah is being supported by the democrat liberals to get her in a state seat. She has no interest in Lake Worth. this is just her first stop. At least scott will be voting for Lake worth and not for his next election.

  4. @8:58--
    That is such a wild statement. Show me the proof. Sarah has worked very hard for her neighborhood and has done clean-ups all over the city, showing her interest in Lake Worth as a whole. Also, her major contributors are from the grassroots, not big corporate or political doners.

    I'm sick of people throwing stones. Just give us the supported facts.

    Scott Maxwell IS being supported by the Republicans and PACS as shown my his recent mailers that were paid for by 1) the Republican Party and 2) Realtors Political Advocacy Committee

  5. Ruth's List Florida (Supports pro-choice democratic women to move them into key state political positions), Democratic Hispanic Caucus of FL, Democratic Veterans Caucus of FL, Palm Beach Democratic Party, West Palm Beach Democrats Club

    Sarah's only sponsors are democratic parties. Their purpose is to get her elected for local experience and up to the state.

  6. Each party pushes for their candidate and often times helps them on a local level. Scott has been using the Republicans for years. Nothing about that?

    What Ruth's List Florida says is "Ruth's List Florida is dedicated to building a progressive Florida by recruiting and assisting pro-choice Democratic women to successfully run for public office in Tallahassee, in county commissions, in city councils, and in other key positions around Florida."

    So, she is running for a city council seat and taking advantage of any help she can muster--just like any candidate would do.
