Thursday, March 29, 2018

Being a punk wiseguy bully is fun for David Hogg

Hogg believes he's taking on the world

Since the massacre, Hogg has been living his dream of being a player. Hogg went on an anti-NRA boycott rampage and also called for boycotts of Florida and FedEx among others. Now, once again, he's taking on the First Amendment, calling for boycotts to Laura Ingraham's show because she mentioned his college rejections.

Shhh, don't you know you're not supposed to talk about Hogg? I had someone come on this blog to tell me what a miserable human I am. It's tough to live in a country full of liberals who do not believe in free speech unless it is something they are saying.

An excerpt and video from the TMZ article about Hogg’s college travails.


  1. Right on, Lynn. This young man is being used.

  2. Pretend for a moment that he were fighting against abortion wearing a MAGA hat. He would suddenly be 'articulate', 'well-educated', and a 'true leader'. Get over yourself, just because you've got a few equally ill-minded individuals at your side doesnt mean you'll be entering the pearly gates.
