Saturday, March 17, 2018

Andrew McCabe fired

"Pursuant to Department Order 1202, and based on the report of the Inspector General, the findings of the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately," said Jeff Sessions.


  1. He's lucky he got paid in spite of his egomaniacal subversion.

    Fired by his fellow agents.

  2. He did nothing illegal, immoral, secretly, or outside the lines of his position. Interesting Trump Organization is subpoenaed; Trump Jr is getting an uncontested divorce where assets can be quietly transferred; and McCabe, who worked for years on the streets of Russia, is fired two days before retirement. Must be getting close to something trump doesnt want the world to see.

  3. Thanks for your left spin--
    McCabe's dismissal involved career Justice Department and FBI officials—rather than political appointees selected by President Trump. The inspector general, Horowitz, was appointed by Obama.
    So, tell me, how do you know he is lily white?
    Don't you read the news?

  4. He was fired by colleagues who saw his lies and outrageous anti-Trump bias.

  5. Surely they can't withhold his pension for two days. That's all I'm interested in.

    Girls, there are important issues going on in this country, like why we can't build a bridge anymore, or keep our children safe.

    Don't you realize this is all a distraction.

  6. They are not withholding his pension for "two days". They are withholding it because he is a liar. He should have been fired long ago.
