Saturday, March 3, 2018

20 year old Dick's employee quits


  1. Is the 20 year old's manifesto supposed to make us cry? Do you know how many 20 year olds are looking for work?

    Let him open his own store. Maybe his daddy can put up the money.

  2. For long guns, which includes rifles like AR-15s and shotguns, the minimum age of purchase from a licensed dealer is 18 under the federal law. He has a legitimate gripe and therefore did the right thing--he resigned from employment at the phony Dick's.

  3. Nothing wrong with Dick's changing their policy not to sell certain guns...their prerogative. It is the age discrimination that bothers me. The law is 18.
    As far as McDonalds...I like hotdogs. Wish they had them actually.

  4. just because its the law doesn't make it all I guess the word is discrimination now and not racism.

  5. It just makes it the law...not too important to some folks I guess.

  6. Looky here. Lake Worth Lynn is worried about "discrimination." Ain't that rich?

    Is this the same Lake Worth Lynn who talks smack and smears people of color and Muslims on her blog and then walks around town with a pistol in her purse? You're a regular Lone Ranger, aren't you, Lynn?

    And now you're concerned about "discrimination." My, my, oh my.

  7. I acknowledge that you have a big problem here however I believe in the laws of this country. Liberals will always twist that fact.

  8. Maybe you should pick-out some kind of a hat that appeals to you and organize a protest around Dick's Sporting Goods. I'm sure you could get a bunch of your wacko friends to follow you.

  9. Conservative friends of mine--we don't protest. We leave all of that up to you socialist wackos...We have better things to do with our time than to look absolutely stupid.
