Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Madness of the Turkish leader

As we apparently have so many mad politicians in this country these days, I want to highlight the Turkish leader... they love to take advantage of their most vulnerable, not just little kids. It's no wonder that our relations with this former ally are strained. You can't deal with nut jobs.

[Washington Examiner] Recep Tayyip Erdogan's latest waltz into absurdity suggests that he might actually be mad. At a campaign event on Saturday, Erdogan welcomed a nervous six-year-old girl, Amine Tiras, onto the stage. That was fine. But then Erdogan jumped off the deep end.

He declared that "[Tiras'] Turkish flag is in her pocket. If she becomes a martyr, God willing, she will be wrapped with it." Looking directly at the girl, Erdogan remarked "She is ready for everything, aren’t you?"

Read more... at the Washington Examiner to show you what the United States is dealing with out there.

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