Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Democratic Party was the original party of the KKK

"I found this old advertisement from the Democrat Party seeking fellow racists to join them in their crusade for white supremacy. It brought to mind the incredibly successful sales job the Democrat Party has pulled off with black Americans, convincing them that Republicans are the racists.

It worked! Democrats enjoy massive support among African-Americans, despite a well-concealed history of oppression of blacks. Go figure!

Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King knew the Democrat Party well, which is why they were both Republicans, as were the first black members of the United States Congress.

So, to all of my black brothers and sisters, I would like to draw your attention to the following photo. It is a snapshot of the Democrat Party you support in large numbers."

Read the entire article by Thomas Madison


  1. So THAT'S why you were a Democrat at one time and are now a Republican.

    Thanks for clearing that up!
