Monday, February 12, 2018

The Deep State

The Dossier


  1. Treason. Lock them up or try them for treason and stand them up in front of a firing squad.

  2. They planted Rob Porter to embarrass Trump. They will stop at nothing. I even hear that Obummer has hired hit men to take care of things. It’s seriously out of control. We need to build the wall quickly and even start considering internment camps.

  3. The illegals! Get 'em on the Trump Train and haul 'em in.

  4. "They planted Rob Porter to embarrass Trump". The last thing president born liar needs is for someone to help embarrass him. fux news lemmings are always a hoot.
    Did the deep state force GENERAL FLYNN TO plead guilty?

  5. General Flynn--Because Flynn was a Trump transition official and incoming national-security adviser, there was nothing at all inappropriate about his discussing Obama-imposed sanctions against Russia with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. He plead guilty for not mentioning his few conversations with Kislyak.

    Actually, it is you Democrats who take LYING to a whole new level.

  6. Every time a Democrat starts in on how bad ANY Republican is, scream Either Ted Kennedy or Bill Clinton.Boom.
