Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Sarah Sanders on Classified Information


  1. Hey Lynn!!

    Waiting for your hot take on Trump's lawyer admitting that he paid off a porn star for Trump a week before the election.

    Is it Obama's fault?

  2. No--what it is--all you Trump haters and "feminists" coming out of the woodwork for a quick buck. Really sick.

  3. if these are all true why no they are going after a gold medal winner.these crying dems better make sure their closets stay locked.there is always someone with a key to open them.and your time is coming.LOOSERS

  4. Sounds like Stormy made the quick buck off Donnie.

    Happy Valentine's Day, Melania!!!!!

  5. In the words of Charlie Sheen: I don't pay them for sex, I pay them to GO AWAY. Both of them are broads looking for a lawsuit or to jumpstart a "career" and Rose is angry because she didn't hold out for mo' money from Weinstein and since then her career tanked.
