Friday, February 23, 2018

Quote of the Day - Scott Maxwell

"I believe in our city, and I believe in you . . . and I really need your support to keep us moving ahead to lower taxes, create more jobs and, bring about responsible reinvestment to our city with a positive, collaborative approach that serves the needs of all our residents.

Unfortunately, my opponent doesn't see things quite the way you and I do, as it appears she has chosen to embrace the political obstructionists from our past for support of her campaign. We simply cannot allow that kind of thinking or reasoning to be seated in city hall again and I need your help to prevent that from happening!"

~ Commissioner Scott Maxwell

Well, when you have to resort to personal attacks (I thought only Democrats did that!) you must be feeling some angst. And Commissioner Maxwell, who really knows better, had NO disclaimer on his campaign appeal that appeared in the Republican Party of Palm Beach County's newsletter. Perhaps he doesn't approve of what he said.


  1. "Embrace the political obstructionists from our past"? And just who are these people?
    Ms Parr has run a very well organized campaign . And to my knowledge she has run on the issues and not the personalities in our city. I was on the fence,but I'm voting for Ms. Parr now.
    I'll take fries with that Whopper ,Scott,,,,oh yeah you had to leave that place of employ.

  2. Scott you really have a problem. Those who wanted to save our John Prince Park from destruction are now obstructionists in your mind? Those who won at the polls on the height amendment are trying to bring down the city. You remember that little vote that you said was illegal. What about our pool that you want so badly to destroy? Your only focus is Boutwell Road but the residents who live there be damned. And you haven't done one thing about lowering the electric rate for commercials enterprises.

  3. Maxwell needs to join the Knights of Columbus and focus on spirituality and being a better person. He has become a diabolic monster full of hate and rage, that cannot be healthy for any person or the community they serve. He has been in too long and is not the right person for Lake Worth.

  4. Sara is a great candidate! She will bring money and resources to the west side of town and to our immigrant community who are neglected by the current commissioner. She is pro CRA and knows first hand what its like to have to buy your first home through the CRA's housing project. Finally, someone who cares about the poor and struggling in this city! Go Sara!

  5. votimg for sara. scott go get another whopper with fries
