Saturday, February 3, 2018

Quote of the Day - Sarah Sanders

“They are so focused on hating the president that they are missing all of the great things that are happening in this country and I think that’s really sad for them and I think they are missing an opportunity to actually bring people together and show a better side of themselves.”

~ Sarah Sanders

Responding to a question on celebrities and how out of touch they are--Trump Derangement Syndrome.


  1. Folks who spent the last 8 years arguing whether the President was born in Kenya really don't have much standing to whine about haters.

    Meanwhile, a flu is raging across the country and there is no CDC director. The Dow dropped almost 700 points on Friday. 4 Trump Administration officials have been indicted, 2 have pled guilty in the last year. A government shutdown looms. There are nuclear tensions with N. Korea. Russians interfered with our electoral process and the White House is doing nothing. And there have been 12 school shootings this year...and no one in DC cares.

    This is Trumpland. Where people like yourself like to be lied to. It makes them feel better about their choices and the America that we find ourselves in today.

  2. The America we find ourselves in today is a direct result of Obama and liberals.
    The CDC director just resigned. There are people there who can carry on.
    The market always corrects itself. No biggie. Hedge Funds, etc are taking profits.
    If there is any government shutdown it will be the Democrats fault.
    The President is handling North Korea and there crazy dictator just right.
    Russians interfered with our election process thanks to the DNC and Hillary. Read the FISA memo.
    12 school shootings from crazy kids. Why do you think no one cares? Oh that's right--gun control again.
    We are not lied to--It is you drinking the Koolaid.

  3. Look 10:47 this country has only been "Trumpland" as you call it for one year.We have just suffered thru EIGHT years of a half black,half white arrogant ASSHOLE who chose to make the national narrative that his white half was evil.So if you have ANY complaints about what is ,in your opinion ,WRONG with America,BO gets the blame.In two more years you will have the right to hang failure on "Trumpland".Hell, you morons are still moaning about George Bush.You have the balls to mention the Dow drop on Friday without talking about the unprecedented GAINS that it has been having ever since Trump took office?? Nuclear tensions with North Korea have been going on for thirty years. A huge steaming pile of North Korea $hit ,accumulated during the last four administrations,was dumped onto this NEW Presidents lap. Russion collusion? The only Russian collusion has to do with Hillary Clinton,the DNC, Bob Mueller and their roles in giving away 20 % of this Nations Uranium in what has to be one of the most corrupt deals in our Nations history. But don't worry-the Uranium one deal will be investigated,fully and very transparently so Schmucks like you can see just what losers you have been conned into supporting.
    As our last President Barrack Hussein Obama danced around and chanted at us,"Elections have consequences".They sure as hell do. Thank God.

  4. Everyone with a brain knows Obama's Kenyan alcoholic father story is a lie. The truth is anyone's guess.

  5. You folks of The Lost Generation prove me right every day.

    Thanks for the validation.

  6. Go read the FISA memo...that should validate everything for you. Just can't wait for all the rest of it to come out.

  7. Who was it that warned of "Irrational Exuberance"? The stock market goes up, the stock market goes down. No one knows what it will do at any given moment. To blame or credit one person is "Irrational".

  8. There are definite factors that direct the market. I don't think that the President should align himself with the market. It will go down and correct itself.
