Saturday, February 3, 2018

Obama Spying on Trump

It’s illegal to spy on Americans without proper warrant from an entity like the FISA Court. More and more evidence is being uncovered that suggests the Obama Administration not only spied on citizen and Presidential candidate Donald Trump but did so before obtaining their bogus warrant through the FISA Court to do so.

Read more about it...


  1. Hey, what's the status of those 3 poll workers that were arrested in Alabama during the election? You swore that was true and I want an update, Little Lyin Lynn!!!

  2. You certainly do manage to get off topic---something liberals constantly do.
    Stop believing that Snopes is gospel. Voter fraud is real.

  3. So....

    .....what's the status?

  4. I would bet that even your mother can't stand you! Right? I posted something from a normally reliable source that happened to be wrong. Satisfied now?

  5. At least your "normally reliable source" took the story down once they found out it was bogus.

    You leave it up for ignorant people to reference and cite in justifying whatever far right views they may have.

    Don't you realize how dangerous that is? Don't you realize that you are the fake news that you complain about all the time?
