Tuesday, February 6, 2018

NAPC Debate Lake Worth Playhouse

Only four candidates:

Pam Triolo
Drew Martin

Scott Maxwell
Sarah Malega


  1. who knew about this before now.short notice,when her state of the city was out for 2 weeks or more.this looks like trying to keep the other guy down.bad move

  2. Perhaps, anonymous but no one I know knew about this until yesterday afternoon. I check with several people last night and they did not know about it. NA president's should have gotten the word out.
    I would say that the NAPC should have advertised it more. Even the Lake Worth Herald did not mention it. The City of LW did not know about it or could not give any info.
    So, blame it on yourselves for not informing the public. Sad.

  3. checked with the city this morning and they had the mayors speech tomorrow info right away but they had to put me on hold to look this info up.i would rather hear from the new candidates than the lies from the past

  4. I was very impressed with the challengers. Sarah is sharp, right on the issues, and surely will represent the people of district 1 better than Scott Maxwell. Now if we can just make it clear that development dollars are not the highest priority in our election...
