Monday, February 19, 2018

Mass Shootings under the Last Five Presidents

Mass Shootings under the Last Five Presidents

  • Ronald Reagan: 1981-1989 (8 years) 11 mass shootings Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5
  • Bill Clinton: 1993-2001 (8 years) 23 mass murders Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 4
  • George W. Bush: 2001-2009 (8 years) 20 mass murders Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5
  • Barack H. Obama: 2009-2015 (data compiled in his 7th year) 162 mass murders Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 18
Read the data

 Now we have Mr. Know-It-All Vincente Fox, former President of Mexico, spewing his bull chit saying that Parkland is what we get when electing someone like Trump. "Besides fueling the fire of white-supremacist groups, former Mexican president Vicente Fox claimed that the Parkland, Florida, shooting was just another result of the “violent” rhetoric stemming from the White House." [Western Journalism]


  1. Can we get something straight here? It's the kid with the gun, not the gun. What happened to the FBI? What about with the local police? What about the school system itself? It's time to have security in all schools and government buildings.

  2. This outrage is not about murdered school children and their teachers. It is about getting back political control that Democrats lost at the ballot box.Since Roe v. Wade in 1973 approx. 54 million potential school students have been murdered.Every 98 seconds someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. Using Liberal logic-when shall the penis confiscation begin? More than 40,000 people per year die in car crashes. Where do we go to scrap our vehicles and pick up our horse and buggies? Obama was in office for more than eight years. Why no sweeping gun control ? If Liberal outrage was REAL and not POLITICAL they would be calling for the firing of the head of the FBI,Children Protective services and the Sheriff in Broward county.

  3. What about all the abortions we allow in the USA, killing all these poor innocent unborn babies, human lives, don't they matter at all to anyone?

  4. I pray for Nikolaus Cruz and his soul. I know God still loves him and forgives him. He was a kid with a lot of troubles, losing both parents so young and likely had a lot of bullying directed toward him for may years as a child. I know many want to hate him, but I don't, I pray for him and I do know that our God still loves him and does forgive him. Pray for him too please!

  5. 40 Days for life is here and we will be in front of all the abortion clinics across the country, praying that people will not abort their unborn babies.

    We need to end abortion and the death penalty, they are both forms of murder as well, and it MUST end!

  6. Are you turning this tragedy into a contest Lynn? You not only have no brain, you have no shame. If you do get any intelligent responses to your posts, you are not publishing them. All you have left is the Lake Worth nut cases, who hang on your every word of hate. The few who respond to your blog should be praying for your immortal soul.

  7. I am giving you some stats, anonymous @5:57 since you anti-gun people have turned this horrible tragedy into a political contest.
    Don't worry about my brain or anyone elses. Worry about yourself for using children to further your gun ban agenda. Pathetic.

  8. 5.57 is not brave enough to do any good.hide behind these kids who are going thru hell right act like an ambulance chaser.go after these kids before the shock wears off.your pres and crooked Hilary didn't do a thing for 8 years and you don't understand YOU LOST.WILL SAY A PRAYER FOR YOU TOO

  9. Yeah, right, right, right, right--different standards were used. hahahah

  10. The point is that the Obama years were a bloodbath yet no one demonstrated in front of his house then.Hypocrisy.

  11. anon:

    You are the one filled with hate at 5:57:

    "you have no brain and no shame" and you publish only "nut cases"

    Lynn publishes news and deletes hate filled rants. Surprised she published you.

  12. Hey Lynn, found a video of you online! Here's what you look like, dear.

    You are just like her.

  13. hahaha...You and CNN would not understand REAL news with real facts.
    LOCK HER UP! :)
