Friday, February 23, 2018

Letter to the Editor - Violence Begets Violence

Letters to the Editor
Palm Beach Post
February 22, 2018

Violence begets violence in society

It is said by many that guns are not the culprits, but the people who pull the triggers are. I can see no reason for assault rifles being legal, but I believe that the bad guys, the mentally deranged, will always find a way to possess them.

There is not enough focus on the fact that this generation of children and also many adults have been so thoroughly saturated with violent images for so many years as created by Hollywood, television and the makers of videos and of what is dominating our newspapers and TV news. The media would be doing a far more noble service if they focused on education, documentaries and reality shows that are uplifting and portray good moral character and positive images.

If the children want to march on the governing powers, let them also react by rejecting these horrific influences that glorify killing and a lack of civility in human discourse. A return to those words and deeds as written in the Bible or portrayed in any peaceful religion is the only hope for mankind. We can change — it is a matter of personal choice.

Regarding the drug epidemic, personal responsibility is also sorely lacking in our society where introspection and change are replaced by a tendency to blame others.

If these latest school and highway shootings do not serve to make us a more humble and loving people, what hope is there for mankind?



  1. If only the shooter's first name would have been Mohammed, we could avoid all this discussion about newspapers, TV news and movies and just blame his religion.

  2. 11:15--it's not the religion; it's the ideology.
