Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lake Worth Mayor misses Key Points in State of the City

Palm Beach Post
February 15, 2018
James Thomson

Lake Worth Mayor Misses Key Points

There were talking points not being talked about by the Lake Worth mayor at the annual State of the City address. (“Lake Worth is on the rise and getting better, mayor says,” Feb. 8)

Her statement of “turning back the clock on years of benign neglect,” I guess does not include the neglect of the public pool which is in dire need of repair for the past two years. A possible solution would be money acquired through tourist tax revenue since the pool is for tourists as well as locals.

The Gulfstream Hotel and the seven years of neglect by Hudson Holdings, which is further delayed due to a lawsuit amongst the partners. A possible solution to look into could be eminent domain, where the city would take back the property and create jobs and revenue for the city.

Another point not talked about is our solar field. Is it operational? If not, when and will it be expanded upon for Lake Worth to become energy-independent from other sources, which would put monies back into our community.

Some other points of interest that should be addressed are red-light cameras at intersections. Are they operational? If so, at what cost, and are they constitutional?

So, people of Lake Worth, these are some of the topics that should be talked about by our elected officials in the upcoming elections. If not by our current officials, then by newly elected representatives who think progressively for the good of all of the people of Lake Worth.



  1. The solar field isn't hooked up? We have red light cameras? Son of a bitch! Our entire code dept should be fired. You can catch a movie at the local drive in,have sex in the backseat,deliver twins and send them off to college before anything is done about a code compliant. Daily shootings on the alphabet streets, a failing down town. Illegal rentals all over. This city sucks. And if Pam,Omari,Scott,Herman or Andy ever got into their 500 a month tax payer provided cars they might know what is really going on in Lake Worth. (The county's favorite Pot Stop.)Maybe they already do. They just don't give a crap.

  2. This letter to the editor article is not accurate in every respect. Our solar is functional as far as I know and I don't like red light cameras, which we do not have.
    But I do agree with the letter writer on the pool. This has been put in abeyance until AFTER the election. The incumbents don't want to discuss something they are going to vote against as far as just repairing it. :Too hot so let's leave it under the rug until after the election and then we'll sock it to ya."

  3. I certainly hope they don't spend one red nickel on that dinosaur. It is not historic, built in the '70's, it is not functional, it is not profitable mainly because it is underutilized due to its location. Close it and build a new modern facility closer to where residents can and will use it.

    Take emotion out of it and look at reality, fiscal responsibility. Yes, I'd like to see "A" pool. It doesn't have to be located on our most valuable piece of property costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars per year instead of more shops for our destination attraction....... THE BEACH!!

  4. Why would they print an Op Ed with so many inacuracies? Why would you post it?

    Do you think these topics should be talked about at the forums? Imminent domain? Really? Take private property for the public good? How would he propose to pay for it?

    This guy is clueless.

  5. Why would we discuss red-light cameras. The only discussion we should have is that we don't have them, and we don't want them. To my knowledge only Boynton Beach has them. Why would you want to contribute another layer of bureaucracy that only increases the incidence of accidents and possible physical injury. That's a pretty dumb letter you wrote to the Palm Beach Post. I'm surprised they published it.

  6. @5:31...why would I post this Letter? Because it is a citizen who has concerns, accurate or not. Obviously, you as a commission body, have not addressed his fears or concerns. Perhaps when you're out campaigning and knocking on doors (which I haven's seen any of you doing), you can touch on topics such as these.

    As far as the pool goes, there are way too many people who want THIS pool repaired regardless of your opinion or Mr. Bornstein's opinion or anyone else's opinion on it. We already got an engineering report that said it could be repaired including the locker rooms for $504,000.

  7. I want red-light cameras, every day I see dangerous, aggressive drivers running red lights and tailgating at the yellow lights doesn't allow for stopping on time without risk of being rear ended. Don't tell us what we don't want. Driving is atrocious here.

  8. You're making my case 1:11.

  9. I’m so glad you want the city to waste mo ey repairing an outdated obsolete olympic size pool- sadly it should have been filled in and monetized with amenities when the beach was originally modernized a few yea back but it was overlooked. Hudson Holdings ? Really that hotel is a tear down and it was bought with passion and not only is it a tear down it’s tarnished with a historical landmark plaque which is a costly disaster to upgrade and maintain its original laity which was from the 20s - The mayor touched on key areas - Lake Worth beach has an ocean that’s gorgeous go swim in that - diving and pools are nothing but an insurance nightmare and a money pit - the pool needs to be filled in and proper use needs to be amended that’s modern - if you want to go swim in a public pool the. Go to the ymca or a local school because that’s an eyesore at our beautiful beach and it attracts a limited crowd of “days gone by folks as yourself. — re red lights cameras and privacy — we do t have them and eve if we did you k ow you drive so slow that it would of never touched you. Get a life -leave the mayor alone -quit trying to act smart when your stained past shines through with each ignorant comment.

  10. No--I don't want the city to waste money but this commission has NO problem doing that.
    Lot's of people would like to use the pool but the3 city, as usual failed in marketing pour great pool.
    The mayor touched on our key points? Lovely. Who in the hell is she to tell the city where they should or should not swim.
    Put it to a vote of the people instead of WASTING MILLIONS upon millions of dollars there.
    As far as fixing the pool when the casino was built, We put in over $400,000 doing just that. Not enough for you tax and spend idiots who want to use the sales tax now to spend more.
    I agree with the Gulfstream Hotel but guess what, it's private property and whoever owns it can fix it, tear it down or whatever.
    I have a life--the mayor doesn't need to "be left alone." What this entire commission needs to do is listen to the people and be responsible in the way they spend their money.
    As far as age, you should get wise and that only comes with age.
    So, remain being a jerk.
