Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I Joined the NRA

You have to take a stand on sanity--Today I joined the NRA.  Following is their welcome letter:
You are now a member of America’s oldest civil rights organization. It is great to have you in our corner! As an NRA member, you are defending your Second Amendment rights and promoting gun safety across America.

Your credit card will be billed for $***.00* for a 5 Year Membership in the National Rifle Association with "America's First Freedom (Print Edition)" as your magazine choice.

If you opted to receive a free new member gift, please allow four to six weeks for delivery.

Questions about your membership? Our award-winning membership services team is happy to help. We will be in contact with you soon with important details about your membership benefits.

Once again, thank you for joining NRA!
I would wager to say that they are getting thousands of new memberships since they were unfairly treated by Sheriff Israel, the News Media and other liberals after the Parkland shooting.


  1. No offense, Lynn, but I hope you don't own a firearm. You honestly don't have the disposition to carry.

  2. No offense? I get "offense" on a daily basis from people who don't even know're just one of many liberals who think they know it all.

  3. Dear Kathy -FUC$ OFF! And Kathy,I am a concealed carry permit owner. And I do have the "temperament" to own and carry. I have no problem telling a bitchhhh like you to go to hell. I actually rather enjoy it.

  4. 10.22 sounds like someone with a control problem be careful around this one

  5. Someone with a conceal carry permit is the least person to be worried about. They have taken the training, finger printed, background check, etc. Worry about the crazy nut job who can buy a gun with no background checks Nikolas Cruz. People with conceal carry permits are very much IN control anonymous at 10:34 with your snarky comment.

  6. Nikolas Cruz passed background checks, Lynn. Not sure where you're getting your info but he purchased them through Dick's and at least two gun shops in South Florida. He passed them because he had not been Baker Acted or diagnosed as medically unfit.

    Before you put information out on the internet, you should make sure it's accurate.

    And there are plenty of people with permits who have undiagnosed anger problems or who hate certain types of people who are a threat to those people and shouldn't be carrying a loaded firearm.

  7. Let's see his background check, anonymous...Just because Dick's said he passed a check, let's see it. You said he passed checks with a plural. No details have been given.
    And as far as your last paragraph is concerned, you could very well fit into that category yourself.

  8. weren't some of these killings done by people who bought guns legally.and the pulse guy had a carry permit

  9. They said he had purchased his guns legally. The FBI investigated him twice. Big failure. Have not heard anything about him having a conceal carry...LOL. However, after that shooting, conceal carry holder permits went way up.

  10. He passed his background, Lynn. But I know it's just a newspaper and you would rather just believe the voices inside your head.

    Yet another reason why you're a threat carrying your gun. Do the people of Lake Worth a huge favor and don't carry in public.

  11. I know you just like argue---you just have to be right. Show me the damn background check. What did it consist of...what questions did he have to answer? Did they call the credit bureau to see if he could afford the gun? Was that the check? Did they call the Broward Sheriff's office to see if he had a criminal background or if there had been any complaints against him? What did they ask him and who did they check with? I realize that all the liberal press said that he passed a background check. I'm merely asking what it asked and who did they ask?

    You're a threat just opening your mouth.

  12. Ha ha. Unless you buy a gun at a gun show or in a private sale, you get background check. It's a standard check and, yes, the Parkland shooter had one.

    I'm not sure why you think he didn't get one but he did.

  13. I just want to see it. I'm not taking the word of some phony sporting goods store or the liberal media.
