Sunday, February 18, 2018

God in our lives

According to Dr. Alex McFarland, "the idea of objective moral truth--ethical norms that really are binding on all people--is unknown to most and is rejected by the rest."

Kids and millennials learn everything from social media today and mock the Tim Tebows of the world. They think Muslims are cool and atheists even cooler. They are more religiously unaffiliated than any other generation. We wonder why there are so many killings or why some kid would shoot up a school.

We need to bring God back into our lives and it starts at home and school.


  1. I see no one wants to chime in on this one.i cant believe there are so many people afraid to say GOD is the way.thats the problem today.let the kids protest on school property but don't dare let them have a religious group on the same property it might offend someone well I pay for that building also .one book that should be read in school is the bible.why don't you try and see what kind of results you get.prayer didn't hurt us growing up

  2. Amen, I am with you too on this. When I was in high school in the eighties in NY we were allowed to have a prayer group at our school back then. Schools were started here in the USA so people could learn to read, to read the Bible. Amen Amen I say to you!
