Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Free Gun Class for Teachers

Sheriff Offers Free Gun Class for Teachers… Slots Fill in 20 Minutes


  1. So I wonder who will be held liable when the first accidental discharge happens and a student is loss. Will it be the teacher, the school district or the Sheriff?

    I suppose that's something to worry about when it happens after all, it's just taxpayer money.

  2. Florida legislators are working on reversing gun free zones.

    This will save many lives.

  3. Finally someone is actually doing something useful instead of whining.

  4. Get outta town, we are not giving teachers firearms to protect our kids in school from some psycho terrorist, not happening!

  5. How about locking the school doors, I don't leave any door unlocked.

  6. Maybe knowing that teachers were armed would make the little bastards more respectful of their teachers.

  7. Because they would shoot them, 10:09 PM?

    Jesus. H. Christ. Between this and Lynn picking up on the "students are actors" conspiracy theory being spread by the usual rightwing loons, you folks are absolutely morons and, might I add, a danger to America.
