Sunday, February 11, 2018

DREAMers threaten Congress - Will leave the country

A group of illegal immigrants is fighting to stay in the country following the Trump Administration’s refusal to extend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order that was instituted by President Barack Obama. He signed off on this unconstitutionally. Now the illegals are saying they will leave the country if a deal isn’t reached to offer them full legalized residency and citizenship.

Where do these people come off believing that they have a right to anything in this country?


  1. The belief that their leaving our country constitutes a threat points to a spoiled brat entitlement just the opposite of what should and can be expected of a legal immigrant.

  2. Is their dream our nightmare?

    Hard to believe they see themselves as irreplaceable.

    Can we go to their countries and demand what they feel entitled to here?

    Waiting for name of the country that accepts invaders without documentation.

  3. have to be about the biggest twisted liar around. Go jerk someone else's chain.

  4. They are not "dreamers" They are illegal alien crinminals and they need to be deported. No more Birth right Americam citizenship. Only way you are a citizen is if your birth parents are. No more school funding for illegals. No more welfare period. LEAVE or be kicked out.

  5. she grew those 2 fingers so sit on them and spin

  6. 10:51:

    How are the no borders European countries doing with the influx from Syria.

    Take off the blinders.
