Thursday, February 1, 2018

Corrine Brown now in Federal Prison

She was found guilty of 18 out of 22 counts of corruption and tax-related fraud in May 2016. Brown and associates transferred more than $800,000 from One Door for Education, a charity she ran, into personal bank accounts between 2012 and 2016. Ronnie Simmons, Brown’s former chief of staff, and the charity’s president, Carla Wiley, both testified against their former boss. [BizPac Review]

Read about the Corrupt Elected Florida official


  1. Lock her up for good. Politicians are the worst when it comes to under the table money deals.

  2. I agree, lock her up. I see a lot of the same thing with BOD members on condo associations today here in FL, there is so much corruption and greed, doing so many unethical things. Then we all wonder why we all have lost respect for most politicians and leaders, the power, greed, and corruption are so prevalent today in our society. It is all very sad. I am happy to see that justice was served on this case, I hope all people that abuse their power and steal from good people serve their share of time. Please pray for them all!

  3. You say you see corruption on condo associations--do you represent associations? How do you know there is so much corruption on condo boards? Most people on boards volunteer their time for no compensation. I will agree that there is a good percentage who have no understanding of the laws and their duties. Give some examples of greed and unethical things.

  4. Condo and Home Owner Associations rob you through ignorance and incompetence; it is probably far less common for them to embezzle funds. You have to be fairly smart to steal money and have it go undetected for years. These Officers are supposed to go to classes now, but they don't. They just sign the form that says that they have read and understood the Documents and Statutes.

  5. Like:
    1. Trying to use their own credit cards to buy things for the association to get points for themselves that can add up to $300-400 of personal gain.
    2. Making decisions by themselves without board approval, directing the manager to change amenities without the entire BOD approval.
    3. Telling other BOD members how to write their emails or to speak to or what to say to the BOD President.

    Some examples that happen, just a few of many.....

    There is so much unethical behavior from BOD condo members. While some may be good like you and you do it with your heart, most are business people, who want control, power, and are greedy and corrupt. It is in the news all the time, especially in Miami, and that is why the State of FL has had to tighten all the laws related to condo associations.

    How much are your condo fees now?

  6. @5:54--agree with you. People want to be on the board to tell their friends up north that they are on a condo board in Florida, like its some big deal. They don't learn their job and are clueless on Florida statutes and their own documents. These are the same people who won't bend over and pick up a palm frond. My experience is that 80% of a 5 member board are ignorant and self-serving and there to break rules. Consequently, they get their associations involved in lawsuits or arbitrations because they are unknowledgeable or don't give a damn.

  7. Our condo association has all BOD members from up north, they are all clueless and do not know FL condo law at all, they are all mostly self serving, have huge egos, and are out of touch on a daily basis with what is happening here in FL at the condo as they are not here 80% of the time. But they are so bad, such ego, that no one else wants to serve with them and deal with their ego, greed, and corruption, so it just goes on like this, there are a lot of bad BOD's and I agree most do not take classes or know what FL law is at all, but they do not really care about anything other then themselves. So sad!

  8. When I used to run my Condo, I wouldn't tell anybody I was the President, because I didn't want anyone to know I had stooped to such a low level. I always said, I'm just the Secretary. I read the Statutes; knew the Docs, and attended the free classes that our attorney used to hold on a regular basis. They even served coffee and danish. What could be easier.

  9. @11:42...don't understand your comment at all. "Stoop to a low level?" What are you talking about? This is a thankless job and one with great responsibility and demand.

    We have diverted off the topic of Corrine Brown here.
