Friday, February 16, 2018

13 Russians screwed around with our democracy

Mueller indicts 13 Russians, 3 Russian entities in election meddling probe

Read the Indictment here


  1. Why are you linking to that lib trash? I believe Trump when he says that Russia did not interfere at all. CNN is full of it. If Russia had really done anything, Trump would have taken sanctions against them instead of doing nothing. This is all cooked up by the Deep State because the stupid Democrats can't get over losing.

    What does Fox or other conservative news websites say? Get on the Trump Train and quit believing CNN!

  2. Is everyone nuts?
    This is the REAL INDICTMENT. It doesn't matter who produces it.
    Get a freaking life snowflake.

  3. I see Obama is still busy. The Deep State backed by the fake news MEDIA is going to get Trump sooner or later. Someone should call the courthouse and verify that this is a real document. Anything CNN does is suspicious.

  4. I fail to see what 13 Russian Nationals has to do with Vladimir Putin, anymore than what Mexican Nationals would have to do with Vincente Fox. We are chasing our tails here, and in the meantime, the country is going up in flames. We have to get a grip while there is still something left to save. We need more elected officials like Governor Scott, who get to the "Heart of the Matter" and don't insult us with platitudes and empty phrases like "In our thoughts and prayers".

  5. We need more people in America who love,not hate. Prayer is not just an empty phrase. Prayer works.

  6. "Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.

    I'd hate to see what would happen if it wasn't working!
