Thursday, January 18, 2018

Yesterday morning at our Lake Worth beach


  1. The beach is nice, but the park is nasty, too much dog doodoo all over the grassy areas, people don't pick up their doggy poop, nasty! I feel bad for the city employees there.

  2. They NEVER should have allowed dogs at our beach park. You can blame that on the three incumbents on our city commission.

  3. when did they decide to allow dogs. I am against it

  4. They allowed this several years ago. It started when the Green Market was in our lower parking lot there. The dogs were not supposed to be in the upper level up by the beach in front of the casino, etc. but soon after owners owners brought them to our beach. The city finally put up signs saying no dogs could be on the sand. It's ridiculous that people have to bring their dogs to our beach.
