Monday, January 1, 2018

What a way to finish up 2017

Have you noticed?  Ever since the commission voted to nearly double their salaries, their meetings are shorter and shorter. Actually, they became shorter after they hired Michael Bornstein who meets with them one on one to give the commissioners "the skinny" on what's going on and what he is doing in Lake Worth. They know exactly how to vote.
  • They conveniently (for themselves) put tons of items (sometimes the entire alphabet) on the Consent Agenda, passing them with zero discussion with some nights totaling more than $1 mil.
  • They recognize some importance in a middle east religion that has been in Lake Worth for twenty years and give a resolution but go nuts when an atheist wants to give an invocation.
  • They voted to give $25,000 of taxpayer money to Puerto Rico and gave the city manager a raise to $169,000 plus perks.
  • Morganti is given their 5th Tolling Agreement to fix our Casino problems
  • Seldom is crime ever mentioned but we hear a lot about this or that event or parade.
  • We never hear about how they are spending taxpayer money on the trips they take--no reports. They made sure that they didn't have to be transparent on that count.
And now, they are meeting less. In fact, they have had only one meeting in November, one in December and now only one scheduled in January 2018. The three months is Party Time. Check the parking lot on Fridays alone--half empty.

They are lucky they got the $40 million bond passed. Has anyone seen any work on the roads since they withdrew $23 million of the bond money in May? No reports by anyone. The Citizens Advisory Committee on the Bond Referendum have not met.


  1. lynn I'm glad you put this up but there is so much more to be said and asked.wish all could understand what is going on much is going to be taken out of the $40 mil to pay for the police officer.these crooks sure are coming up with money we were told was not there

  2. Sounds like all the educated people have moved out of Lake Worth to allow these dummies in office doing nothing. How sad for this city and you hear about so much crime going on here. It is unsafe in LW. A friend from church told me he was held up getting into his car in the Compass parking lot on Dec. 18, how sad and the elected do nothing, just rape and rob the poor people of Lake Worth making these huge salaries and benefits. Even all the good educated people who used to live there have all moved out of the city limits. Will they ever really fix the roads? Do you really think this manager and elected are capable after all the years in office and still nothing done, the city looks worse that it has in years, so much blight and infrastructure issues, then the crime. How many shootings, stabbing, and killings where there in LW in 2017? andy had a page in the local paper the other day thanking all for his being able to serve another three years with out a candidate running against him, he is so happy to serve, it seems more like he is so happy to steal from this poor city a huge salary for doing nothing, getting all these benefits now for one meeting a month. Do you think Lake Worthians are getting their bang for their buck?

  3. North M street is being worked on, slowly but the street has been torn up.

  4. The advisory committee had it's first meeting on November 6.

  5. I should have been more explicit. That was to pick a chair and basically get the committee together, not to go over invoices and expenses. Right?
