Monday, January 1, 2018

Sheriff David Clarke went on Twitter Tirade

Former Milwaukee County Sheriff and rabid Trump supporter David A. Clarke Jr. has gone on a Twitter tirade this weekend threatening to punch “lying lib media” and “make them taste their own blood.” Despite a complaint being filed over the threats, Twitter appears to have responded by doing nothing, according to the ex–sheriff.



  1. Ex-Sheriff Big Cowboy Hat was forced to remove the tweet that contained the graphic that you included in this post. It was found not to be in compliance with twitter rules regarding abusive behavior.

    I’ve heard you have a similar policy here.

  2. Well, read up on it again-
    The email from Twitter said Clarke’s tweet was investigated but wasn’t found to violate the social media platform’s terms of service, which bar users from inciting violence.
    Leftists need to calm down and smell the roses.

  3. He was forced to remove it. Don't believe me or you want to believe what Clarke tells you?

    Go to his twitter. It isn't there. It's gone.

  4. Twitter has taken down all information pertaining to this incident as well as their response to Sheriff Clarke. It's too bad that social media companies are now censoring truth.
    But you libs seem to like that.

  5. The only one censoring truth, Lynn, is you. On a daily basis.

    Let's see if you do it again because the truth isn't what you're conveying to your readers.

  6. CNN--Talk about a fake news site. :)

  7. When you're wrong, you'll always have your usual go to's: fake news, liberals, Hillary, the media.

    And so it goes.

  8. Over the 3 or 4 years that I have been visiting your blog, your posts all seem lately to be influenced by right wing bloggers and publications. You used to be able to think for yourself, but now you are drinking the cyanide of these poisonous sites. In case you don't know, cyanide is much more lethal than Kool-aid. You can actually recover from drinking Kool-aid, but cyanide will finish you off.

  9. @4:05. Well, let's face it. You can't stand the conservative perspective to anything. You can't stand that Trump won and Hillary lost.

  10. MSLSD's Kool aid is laced with poison, dummy. CNN couldn't even celebrate New Year's without slamming our president with "comic" segments starring "C" listers. Sickening as well as the choice of hostesses.

  11. If it weren't for catchphrases, you people wouldn't have any vocabulary at all.

  12. @12:20 Sticks and stones...
    Did you make it past the 3rd grade?
