Friday, January 5, 2018

Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County

Colonel Arthur DeRuve was the guest speaker last night at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County's meeting held at the Atlantis Country Club. He had an extremely interesting speech that took us through a history of the conflicts that have shaped America and how much the skill and sacrifice of our soldiers, sailors and airmen have secured our place in the world.

I won a raffle prize--Betrayal by Bill Gertz, on  how the Clinton Administration undermined American Security. Betrayal asserts that the "most important legacy" of Bill Clinton's presidency may be "his dead serious disarmament of the United States and his self-serving appeasement of powerful and determined foreign enemies.... The administration's policies have endangered not only the United States," Gertz concludes, "but the peace and security of the entire world." --Linda Killian

Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County 1-4-18 Meeting

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