Thursday, January 18, 2018

Quote of the Day - Kurt Jetta on Lois Frankel

“By taking tens of thousands of dollars from Big Sugar, corporate lobbyists, the big banks that stole tens of millions from taxpayers, and trial lawyers; career politician Lois Frankel shows that she’s more at home in the swamp of Washington, D.C. than Palm Beach County.

 I’m deeply grateful for the support of the Palm Beach community and to the outpouring of local support for my efforts to give Palm Beach a real voice in Washington, D.C.”

~ Kurt Jetta
 Republican candidate opposing Lois Frankel


  1. Sounds like the candidate that I will be voting for!

  2. And my vote AGAINST this lying little Troll will cancel yours out.

  3. "Lying little troll?" LOL
    You liberals seem to forget all of Frankels past transgressions starting when she was mayor of WPB. She screwed the people big time back then.

  4. I don't think Lois has anything to worry about. She will probably be there as long as she wants to be. She's a consummate politician, and she knows how to play the game.

  5. @7:45--you're right. And on top of that, she is in a highly Democratic district. Win, win for Lois.
