Monday, January 8, 2018

Quote of the Day - Frank Wolff

“Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are in conflict with one another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue. These conflicts, and that looseness with the truth, if not with reality itself, are an elemental thread of the book.

Sometimes I have let the players offer their versions, in turn allowing the reader to judge them. In other instances I have, through a consistency in the accounts and through sources I have come to trust, settled on a version of events I believe to be true.

~ Frank Wolff
author of Fire and (Fiction) Fury


  1. Wow. Admission that Frank Wolf is a hack. He should be sued for every penny he makes on that "book"

  2. He should be sued for every penny he has or has ever made!

  3. AND damages.

    President Trump's attorneys can start at $100 million.

  4. What are they going to sue him for? Do you think the guy's stupid?

  5. Slander, defamation, knowingly publishing false information.

    His attorneys will come up with many other crimes he committed with his outright lies.

  6. "Slander, defamation, knowingly publishing false information."

    Uh oh, Lynn. According to Anonymous, you in a heap of trouble.

    Quit your whining, snowflakes. When someone decides that Trump is actually a Russian born in Moscow and sends a team to search for his birth certificate, call me.

  7. Drink more kool-aid Boo hoo.
