Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Quote of the Day - Commissioner Omari Hardy

“We can’t ever have a situation where we tear up a road on Dec. 11 and don’t come back until a month later. That can’t ever happen again and if it does, I’ll be bringing my concerns to staff to find some accountability.”

~ Commissioner Omari Hardy

Talking about the North M Street road project and the fact that workers tore up the road on December 11th and did not return until January 4 leaving dust debris in the air that some residents felt could cause health problems.

Read about it...


  1. And whose district is this? You all know! He doesn't care about anything other than his big salary, self serving. So sad for LW!

  2. Well, he didn't help with the mobile home park off of Boutwell.

  3. The downtown is split in half as far as districts. Not sure who serves this area...would have to look it up.

  4. see we have another commissioner making promises he WONT keep

  5. Same thing happened on Sunset drive. PLUS the city thought it was OK to turn the corner of Sunset and 6th into an equipment junk yard.This is Scott Maxwells district.And he really doesn't give one crap about the people that have to live with this.

  6. all the bitching about these clowns and they still get voted in.something wrong with this picture

  7. This is andy's district he represents, but do you think he really cares? He is too busy selling his $1 trinkets, pot paper, bongs, and snowing all the citizens of LW taking a huge salary of money from good hardworking citizens here.
