Monday, January 29, 2018

President Trump's first Year Achievements

Since President Trump took office...
  • Unemployment has fallen to a 17 year low
  • Over 1.9 million jobs have been added
  • The stock market has gone up more than six TRILLION dollars
  • ISIS is on the run
  • New home sales have soared to a 10 year high
  • 23 Article III judges  
  • 1 Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States 
  • 10 judges for the United States District Courts
  • 70 bills signed into law 
  • Roll back of many regulations
  • Tax cut--1.5 trillion over ten years
  • 21% corporate rate cut from 35%
  • Pulled out of the PARIS Accords
  • Decertifying the Iran deal 
  • Declared that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel
  • Began the process of ending DACA
  • Re-established a baseline of immigration enforcement

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