Friday, January 5, 2018

Just rolling along in Lake Worth

The Palm Beach Post is just now reporting on this after the news was out over two weeks ago.

Audit finds $7 million in questioned costs at Lake Worth Water Utility

Not only did we report on this audit over two weeks ago when it first hit the wires, but it was reported by this blog over one year ago that the inspector General was investigating Lake Worth. At that time, the city manager Michael Bornstein gave an explanation as to why he didn't respond to the IG's survey of 2014: “I’m on my fourth finance director in 4½ years,” Bornstein said. “Organizationally, we’re still not where we need to be … but we’re improving.”

The commission just gave the city manager a whopping raise to $169,000. Prior to that, they extended his contract for five years. In addition, Michael Bornstein receives the following:
City contributes 10% of salary into 401(k) or now $16,900 a year.
$1,000 for life insurance premiums,br>
Medical and Dental insurance
At least paid 12 sick days and 15 vacation days per year
Travel and expenses reimbursed to outside meetings
Professional dues and subscriptions paid
Cell phone and cell service
$500 monthly automobile allowance.


  1. Yes, he's surely worth it. Not.

  2. I wonder if he is better than when he started? He used to treat the residents like crap, not answering emails or calls, treating residents like sht. I am surprised he is still in Lake Worth. Quite frankly, the city has looked the worst under his leadership, there is so much blight, crime, and dysfunction here. I have never seen the city look so bad in 25 years now. Too, most rent here, it seems fewer and fewer own, look at andy, a renter. Mediocrity at its best in this city. Sad for the people and owners here.

  3. I do not think he is better than he was in the beginning. I think he has gotten worse. he has so many apologists. how long can you blame everything on the previous city manager?

  4. So the City Manager continues to get huge raises and perks, I wonder if the employees get raises or do they just continue to make the CM look good and get nothing as they had for years until finally getting a raise. Now all we hear is the CM's big $ but nothing for the us employees, what a shame.
