Saturday, January 13, 2018

"I'm not going to pay for the fu*king wall," says former president of Mexico

Oh wow, Vicente Fox says that Trump's mouth is the biggest sh!thole.  He forgets that his potty mouth is waaaaaaay bigger--

Powdered Wig Society @Patreeit
With the authority of the people of the United States. Wash your foul mouth out with soap, hypocrite! Then, when you are finished paying for the wall, GFY. And, mind your own business.


  1. That's something to hang your hat on being less of a shithead then a former president of Mexico. Yay!

  2. You're back...won't take a rest, huh?

  3. Its time these politicians learn the meaning of former: irrelevant.

  4. Isn't this old news?

  5. Hypocrisy is a real problem with so many these days, especially politicians, but all humans. Watch Joel Osteen I guess, we all have to learn to judge less, if that will ever happen.
